If one takes the Star of Azoth and the Crux of Sorcery, from Loogaria, and aligns the pentagrams in both seals a third symbol is formed. This symbol represents the union of House Tsepesh, House Bathory, House Rakoczy and House Karnstine as Clan Dracul. At present it is House Rakoczy that guides the great table and thus Clan Dracul because it was House Rakoczy that revealed the Testament of Shadows to the world. The four houses that formed the clan in the 1960s saw themselves as the start of the Upyre community coming out of obscurity, based on the occult revival at the time. An important element to the image of the great table is the incantation written in old Irish and Enochian saying: “the breath of the serpent, life and death, the spell of making.” The serpent in this incantation is the wyrm or dragon, known as Lotan and Abraxas, in the Testament of Shadows. Each house at the table represents a fourth of the power that the incantation invokes that those at the table are meant to direct collectively as a clan or in each house or individually as an aware Upyre.   When rightly made, this seal has nine circles, one for each gate of the Testament of Shadows, evoking the legend of the Scholomance with its nine towers, a counterbalance to the so-called “City of the Pyramids” in the lore of the Illuminati, each being a faction of the “Lost People.” The idea here is that the clan embodying the dragon represent that power on Earth and so the members of the houses each is a ruler of the world though under the Night of Pan.

The great table has five inner circles, one for each of the tribes, four joined by one, showing the link between the five tribes and the present lineages of the world showing that the clan preserves that knowledge. The table also contains the name Telyavel one of the names of the Dark Lord used in Eastern Europe. Telyavel is a god of the dead, travel and metal work which points to the lore of alchemy evoking the lore of Azazel and the Nephilim of Enochian lore but in an Eastern European form. It is of note that the dead and travel are linked in the novel Dracula, “for the dead travel fast,” bringing the reader, through the speaker in the novel, from mundane reality into occult reality. In the main Telyavel is a protector of the dead, giving the arts of the clan a necromantic cast as well as alchemical via the serpent or dragon which evokes the Black Art. We now have three languages on the great table old Irish, Enochian and now Lithuanian, pointing to a focus of the clan in eastern and western Europe pointing back to coming from the Levant and thus a common root in the Blood. In a sense the table represents the tablet of destiny evoking the idea of the clan guiding destiny which syncs the table with the sigil of the black dawn. Besides the spoken languages the name Telyavel, written as Teljahvel, is written in Upyre runes giving the idea of balance via the celestial, the Enochian, and the infernal, Upyre runes. Balance here is the ebb and flow of nature versus the artificial Utopia embodied by the law and its subjective ideas of justice and other matters of preference. The great table is designed to suggest movement and the fact that order is an illusion created by the consistency of chaos.

The design of the great table is used as a Magick Circle, or as a shield, by many and many see it as a visual metaphor from the world under the Night of Pan.  The lore of the table is revealed here as an honoring of the clan and to honor the work of the dragon that has been done and is ongoing. More lore on the table can be found in The Path of the Heart of Scars showing its lore and uses in sorcery. This table is why the innate power of the Upyre will over other beings is called the eyes of the wyrm, speaking of the dragon or great serpent that is embodied in each Upyre true to who and what they are.