In legend and lore much is made of the power of the bite of an Upyre or other undead as transformative or infectious. In recent pop culture some claim that the bite of a Gerulf a “Were” - being, has the same power as that assumed in the bite of an Upyre; some have also allotted the same to the claws. In truth there is no way to turn one of one race into a member of another race though one race can be invested, i.e., a person can be initiated into a culture. In actual legend it is said that one that survives an attack of a Gerulf becomes a Gerulf, an attack not a bite, because for there to be enough of the prey left to survive would be seen as an act of the divine. The force of a bite almost always causes a small amount of bleeding in the biter which with the wound in the bitten causing the blood of both to mix. This mixing of blood also explains why it is said in some legends that sexual intercourse with one of the undead can make one likewise undead due to the exchange of particular fluids. The reality of this is summed up in alchemy in the belief that sexual fluids and blood have the same content in the fact that semen is distilled from 40 drops of blood.

A being whose claws would transfer the same matter as a bite or sexual contact is a being that has weak cell walls shown by weak cuticles this is evidence of said being showing signs of infection rather than being in control of its power. Any being whether Upyre, Gerulf or whatever whose claws infect others in any way is not healthy. Claws are meant to rip, tear, defend, attack, restrain and dig not inject or transfer. Biting is often a part of mating among many races and animals and can also be a part of social communication in some cases. If we take the tack that something active in one being that is dormant in another being of the same type by exposing said being to the given thing in its active form we can see the “biting” in Upyre lore that creates its own kind is in fact an act of initiation rather than infection. In occult terms because of the blood exchange a bite can be seen as a pact or covenant adding to the idea of the bite being an initiation. Clawing too has its own occult symbology in the form of creating marks of authority, ownership or protection.

The idea of surviving a Gerulf attack as a part of being or becoming a Gerulf in addition to what is said above is also based on the idea that a Gerulf would only allow one of its own to survive because they are not cannibals lending weight to the idea of initiation. The ritual nature of biting shows why an Upyre would use its fangs to not only feed but also initiate others of its kind awaking the dormant Upyre to its nature which explains why some hold that being fed on by an Upyre can transform the prey because the two acts appear the same. In the postmodern era Upyreshi have moved from being overt to symbiotic predators bringing the use of tools such as blades, needles and tubes into feeding. While not being the main focus of feeding any longer the bite does retain its symbolic, occult, social and sensual importance. The value of the bite is why fangs are the archetypal symbol of both the fictional vampire and to the actual members of the Upyre race. If one traces lore and legend back far enough one will be led to the idea of function and through function back to the reality that the lore and legend is based on.